Takeo NASU (Mr.)

Section: Electronics & IT

Profile Summary

Takeo Nasu (Mr.) is a patent attorney in the Electronics & IT Section specializing in electronics, computer, and telecommunication engineering. He graduated from Keio University where he attained a B.S. and M.S. in electrical engineering. He then went on to work for a telecommunications company and during the same time passed the Japanese Patent Bar Examination. Later, he studied at The George Washington University Law School and thereafter passed both the U.S. Patent Bar Examination and California State Bar Examination. Mr. Nasu is a member of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association, The State Bar of California, and the AIPPI-JAPAN where he is a member of the Editorial Board. He has written on IP protection in Japan and lectured on Japanese patent prosecution and practices.


Japanese and English

Membership and Activities:

Japan Patent Attorneys Association (2005-)
  International Activities Center (2014-2022)
The State Bar of California (2013-)
  Editor of AIPPI Journal (2014-)

Main Articles:

(written in English)
"Doing Business in Japan'' Intellectual Property Protection by LexisNexis (2012)

Main Lectures:

"JPO Updates of Post Grant Proceedings", AIPLA Mid-Winter Institute in Florida, USA (2015)
"Updated Patent Practice In Japan", MIPA-JPAA Joint Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2016)
"Report on Study Group of Patentability at JPO", AIPLA Annual Meeting IP Practice in Japan Committee Pre-Meeting in Washington DC, USA (2016)
"Patent prosecution practice in Japan" Discover IP Japan Conference 2017, Japan Patent Attorneys Association in Seattle and Palo Alto, USA (2017)
"Strategic Enforcement of Patent Rights in Japan", Discover IP Japan Conference 2018, Japan Patent Attorneys Association in Houston and San Diego, USA (2018)
“Importance of UI related Patents in Japan”, AIPLA Mid-Winter Institute in Florida, USA (2019)